The Value of Languages in a Multicultural World
An online international conference
13-15 December 2021
Conference Program
Hosted by
Multilingualism Research Centre,
Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences
Macquarie University
Thank you for presenting and attending at our conference in 2021.

The conference
In a culturally and linguistically diverse world in which languages are as mobile as people, goods and information, how multicultural societies understand and respond to the value of languages is a key question. The aim of this international online conference is to address this question at multiple levels of policy and practice.
Language learning and use in the community
Indigenous languages
Multilingualism, technologies and literacies in education
Learning and using English in a multilingual society
Multilingualism in social and professional life
Geographies of multilingualism
Media, popular culture and communications
Plenary speakers
Platform and session times
The conference will be held using Sched.
Sessions are scheduled in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) as follows:
Monday 13 December: 09.30 to 17.00
Tuesday 14 December: 12.45 to 21.45
Wednesday 15 December: 12.45 to 21.45
Sessions are timed primarily for participants in Asian and Australasian time zones. Evening sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday are included to accommodate participants in European and African time zones. Unfortunately, we are not able to conveniently accommodate participants in North and South American time zones.
Key dates
Abstract deadline: 27 August 2021
Announcement of accepted abstracts: 1 October
Registration opens: 1 October
Registration deadline (presenters): 29 October
Program announcement: 19 November
Registration deadline (non-presenters): 10 December
Conference: 13-15 December
Registration fee
Presenters and non-presenters will be charged a registration fee of AUD120 to cover the costs of organizing the conference. For full-time students the registration fee will be AUD60.
For enquiries or to be included on the conference mailing list, please email