Plenary Speakers
Dr. Chloe Diskin-Holdaway
The University of Melbourne
Language Acquisition and Identity among Migrants in Australia
Almost 30% of people in Australia are born overseas and over 22% of people (30% in capital cities) speak a language other than English at home (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021). In this multilingual and ‘superdiverse’ country, there is vast potential for the creation and redefinition of multicultural, transnational, and cosmopolitan identities. In this paper, I will discuss identity through the prism of language use and acquisition, as migrants in Australia navigate issues of ethnicity, race, and culture in their everyday lives.

The Education University of Hong Kong
Charting ChatGPT Literacy in Language Education: A Global Perspective and Holistic Approach
Generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, presents both opportunities and challenges for education. Effective integration of these tools requires discipline-specific frameworks, especially in language education. This study introduces the concept of “ChatGPT literacy”, equipping language teachers with the skills for responsible and effective ChatGPT use. A mixed-methods survey study, involving 492 language teachers from 41 countries, explored the competencies underpinning ChatGPT literacy. A theoretical framework comprising six constructs—benefits, limitations, prompts, evaluation of ChatGPT responses, ChatGPT-aided assessment, and ethical considerations—was proposed and validated through quantitative (Likert-scale surveys) and qualitative (thematic analysis of open-ended responses) data. Results confirmed the framework's validity and revealed the use of ChatGPT throughout the full instructional cycle. These findings offer important guidance for language educators, learners, GenAI developers, and policymakers as they navigate the ethical and pedagogical integration of ChatGPT in language education.
Qing Ma (Angel) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies and currently holds the position of Associate Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies) in the Faculty of Humanities at The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research primarily focuses on second language vocabulary acquisition, corpus linguistics, and the application of technology in language learning, including corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP), computer-assisted language learning (CALL), and mobile-assisted language learning (MALL), AI in language education. She is the associate editor for four international journals: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL); International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT); Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ChinaCALL); Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.